Tag: recipe

Tasty Cauldron

Happy Halloween!

I whipped up a curried sweet potato soup this morning in between getting ready for work. I decided to go as Medusa since I love Greek Mythology, so here I am stirring my cauldron with “snakes” in my hair.

I made this soup for my neighbor who just got out of the hospital after emergency surgery. I omitted the curry flavors in case she prefers not to have the extra flavor. This is still a great soup without the curry, but if your a fan of Indian spice combinations, go for it!

Here’s the recipe:

Simple Curried* Sweet Potato Soup
1-1/2T Olive oil
1-2/3C chopped onion
1 large clove garlic
1T fresh ginger
1t cumin*
1/2t ground coriander*
1/4t cardamom*
1/4t tumeric*
1/8t hot pepper flakes*
2-1/2lbs sweet potatoes
6C. low sodium chicken or veggie stock
salt pepper to taste
(*curry spices may be omitted if you prefer)

Brown onions and garlic, About 7 minutes, in a Dutch oven or soup pot. Add ginger and curry spices, then stock. Peel and cut potatoes and cook until very soft or roast potatoes on grill for smokey flavor, then peel and add to soup. Puree with immersion bender and add salt and pepper to taste.

The key is an immersion blender. Transferring this hot meal to a regular blender is no fun at all.

Today is the first day of the Holidays ~ Enjoy!

DIY 362: Anti-inflammatory Smoothie with Cinnamon

This week I want to focus on getting back in shape~this includes eating better and getting myself psyched up to go to the gym. (Eating better is going to be waaaay easier.)

One of the easiest things to whip up~that makes me feel better instantly~is a smoothie my husband invented. I have read a lot about the benefits of yogurt, berries and cinnamon lately, and this yummy concoction has all three~and then some. Here’s the recipe:

Berry Smoothie with Cinnamon

1. In a blender put…

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1-2 cups frozen or fresh blueberries and strawberries
  • 1/4 cup low-fat yogurt
  • a pinch of cinnamon (upto a 1/4 teaspoon)
  • a little water to get the blender going
  • * for extra chill and crunch, add a few cubes of ice

2. Blend until smooth. Adjust to your tastes with more berries, yogurt, or cinnamon

3. Pour into your favorite pretty glasses and share!

We often ride bikes on the weekends and make this treat the minute we come in the door. Being cyclists we read the LiveStrong website where they’ve published more information about smoothies. Read up, drink down, and live well!

Until Tomorrow~Sarah