Ladybug babies

I went out this morning to walk in my garden~something I try to do every morning with my cup of coffee~and I noticed a ripe tomato hanging from the vine. I went to pick it and saw it was covered with dozens of tiny, red, crawling dots…smaller than a pins head. At first I was aghast thinking they were mites. But upon closer inspection I realized they were baby ladybugs! Have you ever seen a baby ladybug? Neither have I! So I thought I’d take a picture of who’s left after I inadvertently knocked most of them off.

Now, this isn’t a complete surprise since I released a bag of ladybugs about a month ago to eat aphids, but to actually come across the offspring of the bugs that flew away in three day’s time is quite charming.

I hope each and every one of you are doing well. Seems the economy is picking up so I hope that your life is returning to the stability we all new before the crash of 2008. Its been a long road for all of us but I feel blessed that the things that were really important in life stayed true throughout the past few years. Thank you all for following my story. I truly love to share all the little details I see in life, and I love when you share yours with me. Thank you,
