The little bee in me buzzes around to different things: screen-printing, painting, writing, sewing, scrap-booking, drawing, etc. etc. You get the idea.
Well, Grandma got me on the embroidery kick and I decided to do it up a little differently. I screen-printed stems onto linen and then hand embroidered the petals and bugs. Now I couldn’t just leave it at that, so I zipped up this little number on the machine.
In this pic, it’s hanging pretty on my studio door—a 1964 Airstream travel trailer. It’s time to head out to Michael’s for more thread—I’ll pack up my new favorite bag with my wallet and a list of colors I need.
Ok, you had me at “bugs”. What’s the best way for me to get started? Like could you send me a list of the stuff I need? Most appreciated! Love your super cute bag!
First off, dig that Michael’s 40% off coupon out of the recycle bin ;o), then get yourself over to the craft store. Michael’s has a big bag of embroidery thread of many colors. Buy it, and a hoop (for now, I kind of like the spring loaded one over the screw one), and an embroidery needle…or a pack of them. The trick to needles is to have an idea of the fabric you want to embroider. You’ll want a looser woven fabric—linen is great—whereby you can run the needle in between the weave. That said you don’t need a terribly sharp needle thereby saving yourself from frequent pokings. Practice on an old piece of fabric.
I like this index of stitches: http://inaminuteago.com/stitchindex.html. Start with a couple easy ones like the Running Stitch, Fly Stitch, and the Back Stitch. Good luck and have fun!
OMG! Sarah my friend, how absolutely cute. All your crafty creative things are real cute but this one just made me have to say Cool Man! Hope things are well. Love ya, Toast